Monday, October 4, 2010

news article

Money is being wasted by the department of education says this article from In a study by Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn, he found that taxpayer dollars that are intended to go toward education is being wasted by the schools getting the grants or not being spent on education whatsoever. The Department of Education has many funds for better schooling and has spent more than $2.3 billion in the last ten years. It is very disappointing to see where that money is actually going because more often than not, the money wasn’t given to the people who need it the most.
             The money goes to schools, but it seems that it goes toward programs that there really is no need for; especially when our country is in such hard economical times. According to Coburn’s study, “A Las Vegas school district received a $25,000 earmark in 2005 for a mariachi music program, Lawmakers secured $273,000 for a program in Blue Springs, Montana, aimed at fighting Goth culture.” Some money didn’t even go toward education or schools at all; $2.7 million went to zoos across the nation.
            It is very disheartening to see our hard earned tax dollars being spent on things like this when there is so much other need for it. Like nicer facilities and newer technology for schools that can’t afford it; or initiative for teachers to get they’re masters degree so they can teach there kids better and a trickle down effect can start with the teachers. There are many ways to use the money and the department of education needs to prioritize they’re earmarks.

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